10/02/2012 – Moscow at Sandpoint

Moscow made the trip north to take on Sandpoint in a game that would have an impact upon home field advantage in the first round of the playoffs, Sandpoint came out on top so it will be Moscow riding the bus in the next meeting.

Full Gallery Links:    This Game  /  All 2012 Soccer Galleries



09/22/2012 – Coeur d’Alene at Lakeland (JV and Varsity)

I showed up at Lakeland High School expecting to shoot one game, the varsity game against Coeur d’Alene, but I was glad to find out that following the varsity game the JV squads would be facing off so I was able to capture some images from that game as well.  For more photos and to order prints from this game and the entire 2012 soccer season visit my website these links:

JV Game   /    Varsity Game   /   Entire 2012 Season

09/06/2012 – Soccer and Football

Yesterday afternoon I covered three soccer games and a little over a quarter of a freshman football game, you can find a handful of photos from each game as well as links to the full galleries where you can view more photos and order prints below.

Classical Christian Academy at Kootenai Thunder

Full Galleries:  This Game  /  Entire 2012 Season

Bonners Ferry at Sandpoint

Full Galleries:  This Game  /  Entire 2012 Season

Priest River Varsity at Sandpoint JV

Full Galleries:  This Game  /  Entire 2012 Season

Post Falls at Sandpoint

Full Galleries:  This Game  /  Entire 2012 Season

09/04/2012 – Newport at Sandpoint

The Sandpoint Varsity Girls Soccer team hosted the Grizzlies of Newport yesterday afternoon.  It was a hard fought game on both sides with Sandpoint coming out ahead 3-1.  Here are some photos from the game, please check out the links on this page for full galleries and to order prints.

Full Galleries: This Game  / All 2012 Galleries


08/28/2012 – Post Falls at Sandpoint

A few photos from the varsity girls soccer game between the Post Falls Trojans and the Sandpoint Bulldogs on 08/28/2012.  For more photos from this game and to order prints please visit my website at one of the following links.

This Game: http://bit.ly/Qz7OG8

Entire 2012 Soccer Season: http://bit.ly/Rs4JsT

08/24/2012 Stillwater Christian at Lakeland

Here are some photos from the varsity boys soccer game between Stillwater Christian and Lakeland on 08/24/2012.  For more photos from this game and to order prints visit my website at this link: http://bit.ly/Rs4JsT

08/21/2012 – Girls Soccer

Yesterday I traveled to Rathdrum to cover the girls varsity soccer game between the Bonners  Ferry Badgers and the Lakeland Hawks, unfortunately the refs were 45 minutes late to I was only able to photograph 1/2 of the game before heading to Coeur d’Alene for the Lake City vs. Sandpoint match-up.  I was able to cover the entire varsity game between the Timberwolves and the Bulldogs as well as about 20 minutes of the JV game.

Below are a few photos from the afternoon, to view all of the photos from the 2012 soccer season and to order prints visit my website at this link: http://bit.ly/Rs4JsT

Amber Fiedler

Sierra Scott of Sandpoint and Natalie Wheelock of Lake City

Corinne Ariss

Maddi Ward

Yeah, that earned a card

Lake City Keeper Tiegan Horton

Please visit my website to see all the photos and order prints or digital files from the 2012 Soccer season: http://bit.ly/Rs4JsT


08/18/2012 – Coeur d’Alene at Sandpoint

This last Friday The Coeur d’Alene Viking boys soccer teams traveled north to take on the Sandpoint Bulldogs in a non-league game and officially kicking off the 2012 soccer season.  I was only able to make the second half of the varsity game but I was there fore the entire JV game.

Below are a few photos from the afternoon, to view all of the photos from the 2012 soccer season and to order prints visit my website at this link: http://bit.ly/Rs4JsT

Coeur d’Alene’s Dillon Dunteman and Sandpoint’s Anthony Fox

Gunnar Skindlov

Ashlend Dills

Zach Couch of Sandpoint and Johnny Dance of Coeur d’Alene

Jared Cooper

Please visit my website to see all the photos and order prints or digital files from the 2012 Soccer season: http://bit.ly/Rs4JsT

Weekly Sports Recap (09/12/2011)

My sports coverage was a little lighter this week due to some portrait work and a wedding in Sacramento.   I love shooting sports but I also have to pay my bills so portrait and wedding work always takes priority!  I did make sure to schedule my flights for the wedding so that I would only miss a Saturday’s worth of games though.  Here is this weeks recap of my sports and sports related work this last week.

09/06/2011 – JV Boys Soccer – Lakeland at Sandpoint

Visit my website to order prints: http://bit.ly/qNmXs5

09/06/2011 – JV Girls Soccer – Lakeland at Sandpoint

Visit my website to order prints: http://bit.ly/opOtaW

09/07/2011 – Football Themed Portrait Shoot

Tyler and I met at dusk to get some football themed senior photos for him.  Here is a Senior Poster that I created for him fusing together a shot from our shoot with some shots of Tyler in action.  If you want to see more photos from this shoot check out the blog post at this link:  http://bit.ly/q7OW4a

09/08/2011 – Varsity Girls Soccer – Deer Park at Newport

Visit my website to order prints: http://bit.ly/nXePfE

09/08/2011 – Varsity Volleyball – Lakeside at Priest River

Visit my website to order prints: http://bit.ly/nNYP38

09/09/2011 – Mountain Christian League Soccer – Eagles at Thunder

Visit my website to order prints: http://bit.ly/pYDndx

09/09/2011 – Varsity Football – Newport at Priest River

Visit my website to order prints: http://bit.ly/mY2xMK

Brandon Lambert’s Senior Poster

Lastly, checkout Brandon Lambert’s Senior Poster created with photos from the Newport vs. Priest River game.

Senior posters take some time and I am very busy these days so if you are interested in a Senior Poster for Senior Night please make sure to contact me well in advance.

Weekly Sports Recap (09/05/2011)

This last week volleyball was added to the mix of fall sports, I had the opportunity to photograph the varsity match between Lake City and Sandpoint as well as the JV and varsity matches between Kellogg and Lakeland.  On the soccer side of things I made my way to Post Falls for their game against Coeur d’Alene, to Lake City High School as they faced Sandpoint and Priest River as they hosted Kellogg.  I had two football games on my schedule this week.  Friday night it was Sandpoint as they traveled to Spokane to take on East Valley High School, then Saturday I visited Lake City to cover the JV game against Mead.  When I arrived I found referees and a lake city team but no Mead team!  It turns out that Mead had a team ready to go but no bus to take them to Coeur d’Alene for their game.  I went searching for some Junior tackle football to shoot but to no avail, I did however find a parking spot right in front of Hudson’s Hamburgers in downtown Coeur d’Alene, clearly this was a sign that I needed to have a couple of cheeseburgers for breakfast!

08/29/2011 Varsity Boys Soccer – Coeur d’Alene at Post Falls

For the entire gallery from this game and to order prints visit this link: http://bit.ly/p6pYn2

08/30/2011 Varsity Girls Soccer – Sandpoint at Lake City

For the entire gallery from this game and to order prints visit this link: http://bit.ly/paCZyd

08/30/2011 Varsity Volleyball – Sandpoint at Lake City

For the entire gallery from this game and to order prints visit this link: http://bit.ly/rc0blG

09/01/2011 Varsity Girls Soccer – Kellogg at Priest River

For the entire gallery from this game and to order prints visit this link: http://bit.ly/n1cB36

09/01/2011  JV Volleyball – Kellogg at Lakeland

For the entire gallery from this game and to order prints visit this link: http://bit.ly/q29bdG

09/01/2011 Varsity Volleyball – Kellogg at Lakeland

For the entire gallery from this game and to order prints visit this link: http://bit.ly/mQdZxC

09/02/2011 Varsity Football – Sandpoint at East Valley

For the entire gallery from this game and to order prints visit this link: http://bit.ly/pLovbF