This afternoon I published a little teaser on my facebook page for today’s blog post, if you did not see it here it is for your viewing pleasure:

That is right, today’s blog post is about Jim Low, Web Slinger.
There is a story involved here and of course stories, to be rightly understood, require context. If you want to properly interpret the following photos you have to read the story, otherwise you might come up with some very wrong ideas about Jim. . . . . . trust me, that is not a good thing!
We saw in the first blog post, “The Many Faces of Jim“, that Jim is a young man with exactly that, many faces, some might even say many different personalities. We found out in the second blog post about Jim, “The Jim Low Band“, that he has a musical side. Here is another peek at that side of Mr. Low, caught almost in the act of carving “The Jim Low Band” into the wall of an abandoned building:

He looks so innocent, but we know the truth!
Yet another personality of Jim is the one that I came to know him by. I have spend the last few months photographing many of the North Idaho basketball games, including those of the Priest River Spartans. While capturing a Priest River game there was one thing I could always count on, if Jim was there I would always see “The Jim Low Point”. It just was not the same if Jim was not there to point his finger in my direction during a game, something kind of like this:

So what about this other personality of Jim? What is this Web Slinger thing I began the post with? You did not know it but Jim is also your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Oh but wait, before the proof of this claim I must continue the story. Just as the Spider-Man you have grown to know and love has an alter ego, that of Peter Parker, so too Jim Low is the alter ego of Priest River’s own Spidey! Here is an example of the fairly reserved, slightly dorky, Jim Low that we all know and love. Yes, I know he is not really reserved and slightly dorky, but work with me here, after all this is fiction!

Ahhh, now isn’t that cute! You look at Jim here and you know that this guy could never be North Idaho’s famed crime fighter, he has cheeks that you just want to reach out and pinch, gently of course because you don’t want to hurt him! Oh, but there is so much more to Jim! Inside of this mild mannered high school student there is a stoic and brave superhero, courageously defending the poor and helpless and standing up for Truth, Justice and the American Way! (Oh no, I think I just stole Superman’s line, oh well on with the photograph)

Pretty intimidating isn’t he? Who would have known Jim was this cool!
You might have thought that the “Jim Low Point” was only for basketball games, but sure enough there is so much more to that index finger, it is actually the part of Jim’s body that is responsible for those famed Spidey senses! You thought all those points were just a pose for his photo, but all along he was using it as a disguise to employ his super hero senses to find out if any one was in trouble and in need of help. Wow, ingenious if you ask me, almost as brilliant as Clark Kent’s glasses!

Not only is Jim a fearless warrior, there is a softer side to this champion. He has a warm and compassionate side too, one that reaches out to those in need. Always willing to lend a hand to the helpless and downtrodden!

And now, the evidence that you have been waiting for. The photographic proof that Jim Low is indeed “The Amazing Spider-Man”, here he is caught red . . . . I mean web-handed!

Well folks, that is today’s story. But that does not mean that there are not more photos to view. Here are a couple more that I simply did not take the time to work into the story line: